Since our Website offers non-tangible, irrevocable goods we do not provide refunds after the product is purchased, which you acknowledge prior to purchasing any product on the Website. Please make sure that you’ve carefully read the service description before making a purchase. We will only provide a full refund if and only if we are unable to do the job due to existing work pressure or any other unforeseen reason.

Once we start working on a project we give our 100% to that project. So, during the work, if you suddenly decide that you no longer want to continue the project or for any other reason you ask for a refund, we won’t be able to provide the refund as we have already invested our time and effort into your project.

For the website maintenance monthly subscription service, you cannot cancel the subscription for 12 (twelve) months after starting the subscription. You can only place a subscription cancellation request after twelve months have passed. Please note that these policies do not mean that once you place an order we won’t deliver the work or take your money and run away. We value our brand value more than that. The only reason we have this non-refundable policy is due to the nature of our non-tangible, non-returnable services and due to our countless horrible past experiences. We truly hope you will understand that. If you have any questions, we are always here to answer them.

Contacting Us

If you would like to contact us concerning any matter relating to this Refund Policy, you may get in touch with us.

We are a digital agency in India that helps businesses grow. We specialize in website development, digital marketing, and social media strategy.

Wanna Discuss Work ?

“Just bring your creative business idea or the Communication problem. Let’s solve them together.”